Environmental Questions for General Election 2020 Candidates

Environmental Questions for General Election Candidates

A general election has been called for Ireland on Saturday, 8th February 2020 and with the increasing changes in our climate, it’s more important than ever that our local, national and European representatives are aware of the environmental issues that face us. If you’d like to quiz your local candidates, here are a selection of environmental questions to get you started.

Environmental Questions for General Election Candidates

With thanks to the Irish Environmental Network, Kerry Climate Action Network, and members of County Carlow Environmental Network, we’ve highlighted a selection of personal, community and international environmental questions you can ask the candidates looking for your vote. If you have any more suggestions, we’d love to see them in the comments below.

Section A: The candidate themselves

Question 1: What qualities do you offer as a leader, in 5 words or less?

Question 2: What directorships/ boards or committee membership positions including: (i) businesses and (ii) community organisations?

Question 3: What do you currently do to reduce your climate impact?

Question 4: What transport brought you here today?

Question 5: What company stocks, shares, voting rights do you hold?

Question 6: What is your own carbon foot print?

Section B: Commitment to local community

Question 7: How would you support the creation and protection of biodiversity?

Question 8: What does sustainability mean to you? How will you work to create a sustainable future if elected? What local environmental actions have you ACTIVELY PARTICIPATED IN this quarter?

Question 9: How will you improve public transport, cycling and walking infrastructure?

Question 10: What’s the phrase to remember when adding things to your recycling bin?

Question 11: How would you support a network of locally produced food and energy initiatives?

Section C: National Issues

Question 12: Name three endangered species: Birds, Bees, Plants, Animals? How would you support the protection of wildlife throughout Ireland?

Question 13: To help Rural Ireland, how do you plan to draw down EU funding, particularly the 25% of Long-term Funding set aside for Climate Action?

Question 14: Nationally, in 2018/19, what % of Ireland’s (i) Domestic (ii) Commercial waste bins are still filled with recyclable/compostable products?

Question 15: What are your plans to mitigate climate change and over what period of time will these actions be taken?

Question 16: What will Brexit mean for Climate Change in Ireland?

Question 17: Will the next government commit to banning the import and sale of smoky coal?

Question 18: How do you plan to progress, monitor and enforce the single use policy that the government have directed public sector buildings to implement

Section D: International Issues

Question 19: Which Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are of greatest concern to you now & why?

Question 20: Explain Carbon Credits versus Carbon Offsets.

Question 21: What have you heard about Carbon Engineering?

Question 22: Limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels will result in total global coral death of (a) 7-9% OR (b) 70-90% OR (c) 99%?

Question 23: According to the IPCC report; climate change impacts on eradication of poverty and reducing inequalities would be greater if global warming were limited to ___ rather than ___?

Finally, consider getting in touch with your local candidate and asking them to sign the Stronger Communities, Stronger Ireland Manifesto. The Wheel have put together an easy-to-use online tool that will allow you to auto select the candidates in your constituency and send an email to them detailing the Stronger Communities, Stronger Ireland manifesto with just the touch of a button – use the tool here.

The Manefesto asks candidates to:

1. Recognise and support the value the sector adds to society

2. Support sustainable funding models

3. Enable responsive services through streamlined compliance systems

4. Embrace collaborative partnership working

Above all, please use your vote.

County Carlow Environmental Networks meets on the first Tuesday of every month in An Gairdin Beo, Carlow town from 7pm to 9pm. All welcome.

photo credit: secretlondon123 Polling station via photopin (license)

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